Payment Cancelled Successfully

You will soon receive a confirmation of your cancellation at the email address we have on file for you. To view the status of your payment, you can go to View/Cancel Payments.

Cancellation Information
Cancellation Date
December 15, 2024 15:47 PM CST
Payment Amount:
Scheduled Payment Date:
Confirmation Email Address:
Routing Number:
Bank Account Number:
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I cancel a payment I've made online?
You can cancel any bank payment scheduled for a future date up until the time it is credited to your account. Any payment available for cancellation will have a "Cancel Payment" link next to it. Please click the link and follow the steps to cancel your payment.
What are the possible "Sources" available for payment?
"Website" refers to payments made online through the Discount Power website. "Phone" refers to payments made over the phone to a Discount Power Customer Care Representative. "Others" is used to describe payments made via automatic payment, mail, or in any way other than through the Discount Power website or phone system.
What is a "Pending" payment?
A payment with a status of "Pending" is one that has been scheduled to be paid, but has not yet been processed.
How many past payments will I be able to view?
Only 12 months of payment history will be available at one time.
How will my payment appear on my bank or credit card statement?
Your payment will show as a charge from US Retailers LLC.